Mark Choey

Meet Mark, the founder, and CEO of Highnote, a presentation and proposal platform designed specifically for service providers. With a background as a top-producing salesperson, team and brokerage leader, computer engineer, and product designer, Mark has a unique insight into what it takes to create great software for service providers who don’t have time to design.


How to Make a Great Follow-Up Listing Presentation

How do you land a listing?

Landing a listing takes more than just meeting the seller and hoping they like you enough to give you the listing. I wish it were as easy as that! However, we all know that’s not the case. To get a listing, you must develop a relationship with the seller, show them you’re an expert at what you do, and then give them concrete plans for selling their home or property, and master the art of follow-up after listing presentation.

Let’s discuss a proven process to help you land more listings.

The process starts with sending the seller a pre-listing package. Next, meet with the seller at the listing appointment and then send a follow-up listing presentation. These three crucial steps are the way to win listings. Not all real estate agents follow this process, so you already have an edge. Skip a step, and you’re significantly lowering your chance of landing that listing!

If you want to see the perfect pre-listing presentation, we’ve got an excellent pre-listing presentation example you can check out. 

In this blog post, we’ll talk about how to make a fantastic follow-up listing presentation that will catch the seller’s attention and help you land that listing. A person interested in selling their home wants to feel the agent they choose is the best person for the job. A great real estate listing presentation is a sure way to achieve this. 

Here’s what you should do:

Property Valuation

Focus on the Property's Valuation

First, focus on the property’s valuation and selling price. Keep in mind that these are the most essential parts of your presentation.

Your recommended selling price will be based on your research, such as a comparative market analysis, and any new information you gathered from meeting with the seller. Remember that the seller is not interested in reading the same content you sent in your pre-listing presentation. They also don’t need to re-hear what you shared during the listing appointment.

This presentation must add new and relevant information the sellers have yet to hear. What else can you tell the seller that you haven’t shared yet? 

Focus on the property’s value and recommend how much the property should sell based on what you learned when you visited the home. Include detailed information on the property’s size and how much the seller should expect per square foot. You can also add the property’s usable space to give more information that supports your proposed listing price and marketing strategy. 

It’s a given that all sellers want to get top dollar for the property they are selling. While this isn’t always possible or realistic, a seller will be open to the price you recommend when this figure is backed by accurate information and your professional experience.

Download the Ultimate Guide to Building Winning Listing Presentations

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ultimate guide to winning listing presentations
a question mark under a roof held by a woman

Answer any Questions from the Seller

During the listing appointment, the seller might have had additional questions for you that you didn’t know the answer to at the time. Remember, you must answer all their questions in the follow-up listing presentation!

Keep in mind that you should jot down or take note of their questions to ensure you don’t miss out on anything. Answering these questions and concerns afterward shows the seller you were fully present and listening during your meeting. 

Again, it’s crucial you build a relationship with your potential clients. One way of doing this is showing them that you care enough to answer all their questions and concerns.

a man standing in front of a couple

Strengthen Your Case and Demonstrate Your Expertise

Showcase your expertise by reiterating your extensive real estate experience and any recent sales of similar properties. Tell them how many open houses you’ve arranged in the past and your other successful marketing strategies. Challenge any concerns they might have raised and include evidence that disputes them. Use the follow-up listing presentation to strengthen the case for picking you as their agent.

Promotional Plans

Review Your Marketing and Promotional Plans

Again, reiterate your marketing plan and detail how you will promote and sell their property. Tell them about your online and offline marketing plans. Sellers want to know what your plans are for marketing their home. These details are also vital in convincing a seller to work with you.

Remember, this is the seller’s main concern at the end of the day. You can give them as much or as little information as you see fit, but they are mainly concerned with how you plan on selling their home. Who is the best person who can sell their property at a good price in a reasonable amount of time? You want to show them that the answer is no one else but you.

Bonus Content

Bonus Content

You can show the seller you go above and beyond by including additional information they may not expect. Include information like recommended repairs, staging ideas, sample promotional materials, or even a step-by-step guide on your next steps after getting the listing.

Your follow-up listing presentation can include your bio, any awards you’ve won, and reviews and testimonials from previous clients. Now is the time to highlight and show off your achievements! Although this is already part of your pre-listing presentation, it’s a good idea to remind the seller what a great real estate agent you are and what you can do for them. You want to build trust and show the seller you know what you’re doing.

With an excellent real estate listing presentation, the seller will see that you’ve done your homework and are willing to do the work needed to sell their property successfully.

If you’re still unsure how to follow up after listing presentation, we’ve got you covered with an in-depth guide. 

If you need more guidance, we have templates you can easily follow to help you create your own presentations. Choose this template or another one on the Highnote site, and start your presentation today.

Are you ready to make your own excellent follow-up listing presentation? Use Highnote to create an impressive presentation that the seller will remember and appreciate. Join the long list of real estate agents who have used Highnote to win more listings than ever before.

Start your first Highnote presentation with a free trial.