Real EstateAllDigital Buyer Presentations

Buyer Representation Agreement: Guide for Real Estate Agents

July 19, 2023
Read and discuss my take on an exclusive buyer representation agreement and explain the advantages and disadvantages it can bear.
buyer presentation agreement

Every market in real estate is different. In some cases, a buyer representation agreement is a mere formality, while in other cases, it can be completely unnecessary. It all depends on where you are in your real estate career and where you want to be.

When you demonstrate confidence as a real estate agent, are buyer representation agreements really necessary? Join me as I discuss my take on an exclusive buyer representation agreement and explain the advantages and disadvantages it can bear.

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what is a buyer presentation agreement

What Is a Buyer Representation Agreement?

A buyer representation agreement is a legally binding contract between a real estate buyer and a real estate agent or broker. It outlines the terms and conditions of the relationship between the buyer and the agent during the home-buying process.

An exclusive buyer representation agreement typically includes the following key elements:

1. Duration

The agreement specifies the duration of the agent’s representation, outlining the start and end dates of the agreement. This ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of the timeframe.

2. Scope

The agreement defines the geographic area or specific neighborhoods in which the agent will assist the buyer in searching for properties. It may also specify the type of properties the buyer is interested in, such as single-family homes, condos, and other residential properties.

3. Duties

The agreement outlines the responsibilities of the agent, including assisting with property searches, scheduling and attending property viewings, providing market analysis and property information, negotiating offers, and facilitating the closing process.

4. Compensation

The agreement details the agent’s compensation for their services. It typically specifies the commission structure and how the agent will be paid upon the successful purchase of a property. The commission is often paid by the seller of the property and shared between the listing agent and the buyer’s agent.

5. Exclusivity

The buyer and agent may agree to an exclusive representation, meaning that the buyer will work exclusively with that agent and not seek services from other agents during the term of the agreement. This exclusivity protects the agent’s interest in investing time and effort into finding a suitable property for the buyer.

6. Fair Housing Statement

A fair housing statement is a declaration or policy that emphasizes a commitment to adhere to fair housing laws and principles. The statement communicates a commitment to providing equal housing opportunities to all individuals, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, disability, or any other protected characteristic under fair housing laws.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of a Buyer Representation Agreement

As an agent, making buyers sign an exclusive buyer representation agreement can offer several benefits, but it also has its downsides. While it may offer you financial security, it can also put some buyers off. Let’s analyze the pros and cons to help you make an informed decision!

Disadvantages of Exclusive Buyer Representation Agreement

When forcing buyers to sign an agreement, it’s important to be mindful of potential drawbacks. Here are the most common disadvantages:

  • Buyer representation agreement can put some buyers off, and they may decide they don’t want to work with you. It’s better to demonstrate your capabilities, expertise, and fiduciary as a great buyer agent than to force them to sign an exclusive buyer representation agreement. That’s how we trained our agents and how we carried out our business, be the “best buyer agent” in the market. Why force them to sign something? If you are truly the best buyer agent and you sincerely care about their interests at heart, we rarely find we need to require our buyer clients to sign anything – they would naturally want to work with us!
  • You may miss out on other potential clients and opportunities.
  • If the relationship with the buyer becomes strained or circumstances change, terminating the agreement might present some challenges.
  • In a competitive real estate market, multiple agents may approach buyers. By requiring exclusivity, you run the risk of losing potential clients to competitors who offer non-exclusive agreements.
  • If you fail to meet the buyer’s expectations or there is a breakdown in the working relationship, the buyer may become dissatisfied. However, due to the exclusive nature of the BRA, terminating the agreement can be challenging and may lead to negative reviews or damage your reputation.

Advantages of Exclusive Buyer Representation Agreement

Buyer representation agreement also offers some advantages for real estate agents. Let’s see them:

  • Based on the competitive landscape in your real estate market, a buyer representation agreement can be the industry standard.
  • When a buyer shows signs they may work with other real estate agents, a buyer representation agreement can make sure they choose to work only with you.
  • By signing an exclusive BRA, buyers are demonstrating their commitment to working exclusively with you as their agent. This commitment fosters a sense of loyalty, giving you the assurance that the buyer will rely on your expertise and services throughout their home-buying journey.
  • With an exclusive BRA, you can dedicate your time, resources, and expertise to a specific client. This focused approach allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the buyer’s needs, preferences, and budget, enabling you to provide tailored and efficient assistance in finding their ideal property.
  • By being their dedicated agent, you can provide personalized attention, demonstrate your market knowledge, and become their go-to resource for all their real estate needs.

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How to Explain Buyer Representation Agreement?

When explaining a Buyer Representation Agreement (BRA) to buyers, you may come across some problems and misunderstandings. You can avoid that by breaking it down into simple terms. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to explain a buyer representation agreement:

1. Start with the purpose.

Begin by explaining that a Buyer Representation Agreement is a contract between a real estate buyer and a real estate agent. Its purpose is to establish a formal relationship where the agent (you) represents and assists the buyer in their home-buying process.

2. Explain your role

Describe your role in the agreement and that your primary responsibility is to help the buyer find a suitable property, provide guidance throughout the transaction, and negotiate on their behalf.

3. Exclusivity

Clarify that by signing the agreement, the buyer agrees to work exclusively with you. This means that the buyer will rely on your expertise and assistance and will not engage other agents during the agreed-upon timeframe.

4. Services provided

Outline the services you will provide under the agreement. This can include property searches, arranging viewings, providing market analysis and information, assisting with negotiations, and guiding the buyer through the closing process.

5. Mutual expectations

Emphasize that the Buyer Representation Agreement establishes clear expectations and responsibilities for both the buyer and the agent. This ensures a smoother and more efficient home-buying experience.

6. Review and understanding

Encourage the buyer to carefully review the agreement, ask any questions they may have, and seek legal advice if needed. It’s crucial that they fully understand the terms and conditions before signing.

Remember to use plain language, avoid jargon, and address any concerns or misconceptions the buyer may have. Providing real-life examples or anecdotes can also help illustrate the benefits and importance of a buyer representation agreement.

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Final Thoughts on the Buyer Representation Agreement

My final thoughts on buyer representation agreements are always to demonstrate your competency and give your best to make buyer agreements an unnecessary formality. Put your expertise, market knowledge, previous results, and confidence to build trust with buyers and show them why you’re a great choice to find them a property.

If you always stream to be a great agent, buyers won’t feel like they need to sign a buyer representation agreement. Instead, they won’t even consider hiring another agent, which should be your primary goal. How you handle yourself with buyers, your reputation and your added value to the conversation should always take precedence over buyer agreement.

However, remember that every market is different, and make sure to explain the buyer representation agreement if you want your clients to sign it. If other agents do it and the market dictates it, it also makes sense for you to do it.

When you’re a great buyer agent with an awesome buyer presentation and your buyers know it, they will want to work exclusively with you without unnecessary formalities. But once again, you need to evaluate competitors and the market where you provide services to make an informed decision.

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Meet Mark, the founder, and CEO of Highnote, a presentation and proposal platform designed specifically for service providers. With a background as a top-producing salesperson, team and brokerage leader, computer engineer, and product designer, Mark has a unique insight into what it takes to create great software for service providers who don’t have time to design.