Mark Choey

Meet Mark, the founder, and CEO of Highnote, a presentation and proposal platform designed specifically for service providers. With a background as a top-producing salesperson, team and brokerage leader, computer engineer, and product designer, Mark has a unique insight into what it takes to create great software for service providers who don’t have time to design.
: Contributor

Meet Trevor James, founder of Modern Agent Coaching and former staff writer at The Close. A distinguished leader in real estate, Trevor sold over 125 homes in six months at Zillow and now focuses on advancing real estate professionals through targeted coaching and content. As the 2021 President of the LGBTQ Real Estate Alliance’s Colorado Chapter, he merges his deep industry knowledge with advocacy efforts. Outside of work, Trevor enjoys time with his Doberman and savoring sips of espresso.


Questions to Ask Sellers at the Listing Appointment

A listing appointment means “game time” for a real estate agent. It’s a crucial opportunity for you to showcase your skills and ultimately, win the listing. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process—which requires three skills: preparation, people and presentation. I’ve sold hundreds of homes and coached agents through dozens of listing appointments. And of course, with Highnote on your side, you’ll have a competitive advantage in showcasing your skills. Let’s get started!

Preparing for the Listing Appointment

Woman in pink doing yoga on the precipice of a cliff overlooking a forest landscape.
Photo by Julia Caesar on Unsplash

Pre-Listing Setup

Don’t forget—preparation is key. Before meeting with a potential seller, you’ll need to know as much as you can find about their property as well as what the sellers might want from the sale. Before you set the listing appointment, you probably had a few pre-listing appointment questions. Make sure to use those to tailor your presentation. 

You’ll want to pull tax info and hyper-localized market data for their neighborhood. Then, using your pre-listing presentation Highnote template, you can gather and organize information specific to the property. This step ensures you tailor your approach for your client. By customizing this information, you’ll immediately showcase your value, which helps you establish trust. 

Crafting Your Presentation

Your presentation should tell a story. It should captivate your clients and sell you, your brokerage, and your services. It’s going to showcase your expertise and help to set expectations for your seller. Your presentation should be on-brand, and include a market analysis, your property marketing strategy, as well as a bit about you and your brokerage. Within your listing presentation, questions that prompt your seller for more info are great—that way you don’t end up dominating the conversation. For more info on what to include in your listing presentation, check out our ultimate guide to listing presentations.

Conducting the Listing Appointment

During the listing appointment, your goal is to establish rapport and continue to understand more about the sellers and their situation. To quickly gain your seller’s trust, express genuine interest in their reasons for moving, or comment on the property’s unique features. 

Now you know why we sent the pre-listing presentation—during the listing appointment, you can use Highnote to guide your talking points. 

What Are Some Listing Appointment Questions?

Sometimes it can be tough to think of questions to ask a seller at a listing appointment. Most of the time, you can let the conversation flow. However, we’ve also crafted a list of our best questions to ask at a listing appointment:

  • Why are you selling? This helps inform your motivation and property marketing. 
  • How did you hear about me? You might already know this information, but if not, it helps to know where your clients come from!
  • What does your timeline look like to go to market? If there is flexibility in your client’s timeline, this can help inform your pricing strategy. 
  • Why do you love your home? What are its best selling features? Your client knows their home best. Let them tell you why they live there!
  • What’s your goal? To get top dollar? To sell quickly? As their agent, you should be working in your client’s best interest. If you don’t know their motivation, that’s going to be hard. 
  • Are you contingent on this home selling? This can help open up the conversation on buying a home, and informs your pricing and marketing strategy. 
  • Have you made any updates recently? Updates can help the property stand out. They can also inform you if there is more work to be done. 
  • Are there repairs that I should know about? Repairs can hold up a deal. If there are renovations or repairs taking place, you should know about them. 
  • Who else will be involved in the process? You don’t want to find out that there’s another person on the title, but not involved in the process. This is a big decision, and you’ll need everybody on board. 

The Advanced System to Winning More Listings

Created by industry veterans, discover the advanced system to winning more listings with this guide. Stand out, shine, and become a listing machine!

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Post-Listing Appointment Follow-up

Utilizing effective follow-up techniques is important to remaining top-of-mind for your potential sellers. After all, they may be interviewing a few agents during the week. To secure the listing, you’ll want to address any of their objections with  and summarize the main benefits of working with you. 

The beauty of using your Highnote template? You can see the analytics of exactly who’s viewing your presentation, when they’re viewing, and even for how long. This can give you a boost of confidence—imagine checking in the next day to see that the sellers spent eight minutes viewing the sample listing agreement. That’s pretty great information!

Remember, even if you don't land this listing, the seller should always leave with a positive impression of you and your skills, which can lead to referrals and future opportunities to work together.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I prepare for a listing appointment?

Preparation begins with understanding the seller’s needs and the property details. You know the comps, you’ve done your homework on the neighborhood and you have a number in mind. Review the questions to ask at a listing appointment above, so that you are ready. And don’t forget—using Highnote templates, you can organize your analysis and customize your approach for your seller and their situation. Showcase your expertise and your value as an agent!

Winning a listing presentation comes down to demonstrating your unique value as an agent. Use Highnote to create compelling, data-driven presentations that showcase your understanding of the market, your strategic marketing plans, and your track record of success. Highlight how your approach is tailored to their specific needs and outcomes.

Start with introductions, walk the property, then move onto questions to ask the seller before listing. Listen to them and understand the seller’s personal situation. Your goal is to build rapport. Then you can transition into discussing your strategy, how you plan to market their property, and what differentiates you from other agents. You can use Highnote to visually support your points, making the presentation interactive and engaging.

Acing a listing appointment means being thoroughly prepared, personable, and professional. Leverage Highnote’s features to present a polished, personalized presentation tailored to your seller’s goals. And don’t forget to use our listing appointment questionnaire. Be ready to answer any questions with confidence and clarity.

After a listing appointment, summarize the key points you discussed, reaffirm your commitment to providing high-quality service, and outline the next steps in meeting your seller’s goals. Send a follow-up using Highnote to recap the conversation—don’t forget to include things like the listing agreement, your testimonials, and hyper-localized market data. And of course, make sure you answer any questions your sellers brought to your attention.

Highnote helps you create a digital listing presentation that impresses sellers and can help you land more listings than ever.