Mark Choey

Meet Mark, the founder, and CEO of Highnote, a presentation and proposal platform designed specifically for service providers. With a background as a top-producing salesperson, team and brokerage leader, computer engineer, and product designer, Mark has a unique insight into what it takes to create great software for service providers who don’t have time to design.


Pre-Listing Checklist for Realtors: Make Your Next Pre-Listing Presentation Shine


If you’re a real estate agent, you’ve undoubtedly heard the term “Pre Listing Checklist for realtors,” which is an essential part of the pre-listing presentation or pre-listing package. If you haven’t made one yet, it’s probably because you don’t quite understand how powerful it is.

This article is designed to help you win listings, and with our exclusive pre-listing checklist provided by Highnote, you’ll know how to make your next pre-listing presentation turn into a won listing, even before the initial meeting with the seller. We’re all about actionable tips, so after reading this, you’ll make your best pre-listing yet and see real-life examples.

Pre-Listing Checklist for Realtors - 13 Steps to More Listings

1. First impressions are everything

You know the phrase. Whether you’re applying for a job, going on a first date, or meeting the future in-laws, first impressions are everything. 

When you’re a Realtor, the best way to make a great first impression is through a pre-listing presentation. Think of it like a movie – if you don’t like the first few minutes of a film, you might turn it off and find something better to watch. If a seller doesn’t like you as a Realtor right away, they can very easily find another one in a matter of seconds. However, a stellar pre-listing presentation will show the seller that you know how to do your job, you know the market, you know the neighborhood, and you have the track record to prove it.

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Now you might be wondering what kind of sections a good pre-listing package includes. We’ve included some great examples below from experts in the business!

HighNote founder Mark Choey, co-founder of Climb Real Estate, has a great pre-listing presentation, broken down into specific sections that are designed to build credibility, impress sellers, and win listings. 

2. About the Agent, Team & Brokerage

Mark begins with an introduction about himself so that sellers can get to know him on a personal level. Then he tells about his team and brokerage, letting sellers know that he has experienced professionals working alongside him.

Why this is important: Every seller wants to feel a personal connection with their agent. They want to know their Realtor is there for them, not just there to make money. When you get to know Mark, you see that he’s a well-rounded guy who loves real estate but also loves spending quality time with his family outside of work. Letting sellers see your human side – and the human side of your team – is a winning tactic that can ultimately win listings.

3. Local Experience

Mark lets sellers know that he not only has extensive experience in real estate but also knows the local area very well. Sellers know how important location is when it comes to buying or selling a home, and they want to be assured that their agent has expert knowledge of their city and neighborhood. 

Why this is important: There are a lot of real estate agents to choose from. A lot of them might seem great when you review their credentials, making it a tough decision of who to pick. But imagine you have two agents going up against each other – one who has years of experience in the local market, and one who only moved to the area a few months ago. As with anything, you want to pick the expert. Showcasing your vast local knowledge will show sellers that this isn’t your first rodeo when it comes to buying and selling houses in their neighborhood.

4. Interior Design

Sellers want their houses to shine during every show, and Mark lets them know that his brokerage’s interior design team provides full staging services. 

Why this is important: In today’s world of perfectly curated Instagram photos, sellers know that their home needs gorgeous photographs to outshine the competition. The importance of staging, when needed, cannot be underestimated. An agent who can facilitate great staging – and in turn, better photos – will stand out from the crowd.

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5. Sample Listing

Allowing your sellers to visualize how you will market their home is vital. This is easily done by including a sample listing in your pre-listing package, which gives the seller an idea of the writing and photography that will be included in digital and print marketing materials. 

Why this is important: It’s all well and good to talk to sellers about how you’ll market their home, but seeing is believing. Providing a sample listing gives a visual representation of what they can expect if they pick you as an agent.


6. Technology Showcase

Technology is extremely important in today’s real estate environment, with agents increasingly using virtual tours and 3D walkthroughs. A sample of these marketing techniques is an impressive way to show sellers what you and your team are capable of! Or you may want to include a high-quality video of a previous listing!

Why this is important: We live, eat, and breathe technology these days. Letting a seller know that you’re utilizing all the technology available to market their home will show them that you’re turning up with your digital A-Game.

7. Track Record

You can (and should) tell people how great you are as an agent, but nothing speaks of your success as the numbers do. Be sure to include details about your recent sales. If your track record for sales, listing price, or days on the market is better than average, show that data too. 

Why this is important: The numbers don’t lie, but people sometimes do. It’s as simple as that.

8. Home Value

Every seller wants to know how much their house is worth before they put it on the market. This section outlines how you, as their agent, would complete a walk-through and provide a comprehensive broker price opinion based on closed sales, off-market sales, developer inventory, and online estimates. But remember – it’s important to wait until you’ve done your due diligence before providing a value for the home. This shouldn’t be done before seeing the house in person, or without fully understanding the seller’s expectations. 

Why this is important: There are a lot of factors at play when it comes to selling a house, but at the end of the day the big question is: “How much can I get for my home?” That’s all that matters in the eyes of your average seller.

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9. Marketing Timeline

Sellers need to have confidence that their agent is working hard for them. Providing a marketing timeline is a great way to show the entire process, from start to finish, letting them know that you and your team have a structured and effective way of doing things. 

Why this is important: Whether it’s real estate or online shopping, the desire for immediacy is real. Showing a seller a well-prepared marketing schedule can give them an idea of what to expect in the days and weeks before an offer is accepted, and make sure their timeline expectations are realistic.

10. Title Property Report

This section includes all the practical information available on the seller’s home, from square footage to zoning information. This is not only extremely helpful but also shows the seller that you’ve personalized the pre-listing kit to include information about their particular residence. 

Why this is important: This data may not be the most glamorous, but it’s extremely important. Showing the seller that you’ve researched this information and have it readily available for any potential buyers will show them just how prepared you are.

11. Life of an Escrow or Transaction

This section explains what happens after an offer has been accepted, including information about buyer inspections and repair negotiations. This is particularly helpful for those who may feel lost in the process. 

Why this is important: This is helpful for anyone, whether you’re dealing with a first-time seller or a seasoned real estate veteran. The system can be confusing, especially if laws and banking procedures have been recently changed. An easy-to-understand refresher is always beneficial!

life of an escrow

12. Sample Listing Agreement

The goal of every pre-listing kit is to win the listing, and this section provides an example of the contract the seller will sign if they pick you to help them sell their home. 

Why this is important: People often enter into contracts with a healthy dose of skepticism. This sample agreement allows sellers to read the fine print before picking you as their agent and lets them see that your commission is in line with the market rate and you’re not asking them to agree to anything dodgy.

13. Conclusion

This is a great time to reiterate your human side, thanking the seller for their time and letting them know that you’re available to answer any questions they might have. Sellers want to know that their agent is kind and personable – not just someone looking for a commission! 

Why this is important: Remember – we’re all human beings, and we all want to connect with other human beings (even if it’s just for a few weeks while we sell a house). Be kind, be respectful, and be yourself!

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Utilize Pre-Listing Checklist Right Away

See? With the right pre-listing checklist for Realtors, it’s never been easier to make a stellar pre-listing presentation. And if you’re a real estate agent looking to take your business to the next level, it’s about time to get started with HighNote! We offer a 14-day free trial and require no credit card, so you have nothing to lose! But you’ll gain free pre-listing templates and the power to create stunning ones in no time!

Once you’ve created a winning pre-listing presentation using Highnote, learn how to create a complementary open house presentation to attract and engage potential buyers.