Free Airbnb Welcome Book Template

Take advantage of Airbnb welcome book template powered by Highnote. It’s simple as it gets – just duplicate the Airbnb welcome book template, customize it, add your information, and you’re good to go!

8 assets below


Property Details

To ensure a delightful stay for your guests, it's important to provide them with all the essential details about your property, including its location, size, amenities, and any unique features it may have.

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About The Hosts

Hosts Information

To ensure that guests have a comfortable and secure Airbnb stay, it's essential to provide them with relevant information about their hosts.

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Check-in and Check-out Procedures

Check-in and Check-out Procedures

Offer guests hassle-free check-in and check-out instructions for their stay.

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How to Unlock and Lock the Doors

Video Tutorials for Locking and Unlocking Doors

Offer your guests a seamless experience by providing video tutorials that guide them on how to lock and unlock the doors in the home.

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House Rules

Clearly outline the rules that guests are expected to follow during their stay. This can include things like noise restrictions, smoking policies, and any other specific rules that are important to you.

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Electronic Instructions & Wi-Fi Information

Electronic Instructions & Wi-Fi Information

Make it easy for users to access and utilize electronics and the internet by providing clear instructions or manuals. Ensure that Wi-Fi login details are readily available, so users can quickly and easily connect.

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Local Attractions and Recommendations

Local Attractions and Recommendations

Provide information about the local area, including popular restaurants, bars, and tourist attractions nearby. This can help your guests plan their trip and make the most of their stay.

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Emergency Contacts

Emergency Contacts

Make sure to include a list of emergency contacts, local emergency services, and any other relevant information.

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Kate Morgan

We hope you have a wonderful stay and enjoy your time in our accommodation. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out, we will be happy to assist you.

Kate Morgan
Kate Morgan

Sections Include:

checked Property Details
checked Hosts Information
checked Check-in and Check-out Procedures
checked Video Tutorials for Locking and Unlocking Doors
checked House Rules
checked Electronic Instructions & Wi-Fi Information
checked Local Attractions and Recommendations
checked Emergency Contacts



One of the other ways to use Highnote that extremely benefits all is a listed property link tour. You can share additional photos, floorplan, zoning and bylaws of the city, potentials, highlights, 3D virtual matter port, your own video walkthrough and marketing material in addition to all other features about that specific property all in one link.

Axel Ziba
Broker, Partner, Team Manager

I recently sent a Highnote that includes a video of a penthouse I have listed in downtown Columbus. A number of people watched it multiple times. Thank you for creating this system. It has been extremely beneficial!

Kelly Cantwell
Real Estate Agent

Highnote is a game changer. It provides an easy to use platform to create a unique, appealing and professional presentation for all of our luxury listings. We can also track our open rate and see who is viewing the presentation. We love the platform.

Nancy Braun
Owner, Broker, Manager

Benefits of Using the Airbnb Welcome Book Template


Creating a warm and inviting experience for your guests as an Airbnb host is key to ensuring positive reviews and repeat bookings. One effective way to achieve this is by providing a comprehensive welcome book that offers all the necessary information about your rental property and the surrounding area. However, crafting a welcome book from scratch can be time-consuming and overwhelming. That’s where the Airbnb Welcome Book Template from Highnote comes to the rescue. It offers you the following:

Optimize Your Rental Business with Airbnb Welcome Book Template

Utilizing Highnote’s Airbnb Welcome Book Template can significantly optimize your rental business. It saves you time, presents a professional appearance, and provides streamlined information for your guests. With this template, you can enhance the guest experience, boost positive reviews, and ultimately increase your bookings. So, why wait? Get started with Highnote’s Airbnb Welcome Book Template today and take your rental business to new heights.

FAQ About Airbnb Welcome Book Template

Highnote offers monthly and annual billing to accommodate varying needs. The exact cost depends on your chosen billing cycle. The annual subscription costs $29 per month, while the monthly subscription costs $35.

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