Free SEO Proposal Template

Take advantage of SEO proposal templates powered by Highnote. It’s as simple as it gets – just duplicate the SEO proposal template, customize it, add your information, and you’re good to go!

10 assets below



Brief introduction of your company and the purpose of this presentation.

Open Highnote Template

Understanding Client's Needs

Discussion on your business, target audience, and goals.

Open Highnote Template

SEO Audit

Presentation of the SEO audit results of your current website, highlighting areas for improvement.

Open Highnote Template

Keyword Research

Showcase your keyword research results and explanation on how these keywords can attract your target audience.

Open Highnote Template

SEO Strategy

Outline of your proposed SEO strategy, including on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO.

Open Highnote Template

Content Strategy

Discussion on your content strategy and how you will create content optimized for the chosen keywords.

Open Highnote Template

Reporting and Analytics

Explanation of how you will track the success of the SEO strategy, including metrics like organic traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rate.

Open Highnote Template

Timeline and Milestones

Providing a timeline for when you can expect to see results, including any important milestones.

Open Highnote Template

Investment and Pricing

Detailing your pricing structure and what your clients can expect to invest in your services.

Open Highnote Template

Conclusion and Next Steps

Summarization of the key points of your proposal and suggestion for the next steps.

Open Highnote Template

We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and boost your online presence. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or for further discussion.

Darell Wyatt

Sections Include:

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checked Understanding Client’s Needs
checked SEO Audit
checked Keyword Research
checked SEO Strategy
checked Content Strategy
checked Reporting and Analytics
checked Timeline and Milestones
checked Investment and Pricing
checked Conclusion and Next Steps


Axel Ziba

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Axel Ziba
Broker, Partner, Team Manager
Kelly Cantwell

I recently sent a Highnote that includes a video of a penthouse I have listed in downtown Columbus. A number of people watched it multiple times. Thank you for creating this system. It has been extremely beneficial!

Kelly Cantwell
Real Estate Agent
Nancy Braun

Highnote is a game changer. It provides an easy to use platform to create a unique, appealing and professional presentation for all of our luxury listings. We can also track our open rate and see who is viewing the presentation. We love the platform.

Nancy Braun
Owner, Broker, Manager

Benefits of Using SEO Proposal Templates


A well-crafted SEO proposal can make all the difference between acquiring a new client and missing out on a golden opportunity. To streamline this crucial process, Highnote introduces its innovative SEO proposal templates. In this article, we’ll delve into the benefits of using these templates, explore how they can enhance your SEO proposals, and address frequently asked questions about Highnote’s SEO proposal templates.

Crafting a compelling SEO proposal is an art, and Highnote’s templates serve as the perfect canvas for your masterpiece. Here are some key benefits of incorporating SEO proposal templates into your workflow:

Time Efficiency

Highnote’s SEO proposal templates are designed to save you time. Say goodbye to the tedious process of starting from scratch with each proposal. With pre-built sections and a user-friendly interface, you can efficiently create customized proposals in minutes.

Professionalism and Consistency

Maintain a consistent and professional image across all your proposals. Highnote’s templates ensure that your brand identity remains intact, providing a cohesive and polished look to your SEO proposals.

Adaptability and Customization

Tailor your proposals to suit the unique needs of each client. Highnote’s SEO proposal templates offer flexibility, allowing you to effortlessly add, remove, or modify sections. This adaptability ensures that every proposal resonates with your client’s specific requirements.

Effective Communication of Value

Conveying the unique value of your SEO services is critical. Highnote’s templates guide you through presenting your key selling points, ensuring potential clients clearly understand the significant impact your strategies can have on their business.

Close More Deals with Highnote’s SEO Proposal Templates


Securing a new client hinges on the strength of your proposal and leveraging cutting-edge tools becomes paramount. Highnote’s SEO proposal templates emerge as a game-changer, providing a seamless solution to enhance your pitch and increase your conversion rate.

Stunning Design

Highnote’s templates are not just functional; they are designed for visual impact. In the world of digital marketing, where aesthetics matter, these SEO templates ensure your proposals not only convey information effectively but also leave a lasting visual impression. Even if you’re not a design expert and don’t know how to use professional design tools, you’ll create amazing SEO proposals that close deals.

Streamlined Collaboration for Seamless Interaction

Collaboration is often key in the digital marketing sphere. Highnote’s collaborative features facilitate easy communication with clients, allowing you to gather feedback, answer queries, and refine your proposal in real-time. This streamlined interaction fosters efficient and effective communication.

Understanding Client Engagement in Real-Time

Elevating your proposal game is not just about efficiency and visual appeal; it’s also about gaining insights into client interactions. Gain real-time insights into how clients interact with your proposals. Track which sections capture their attention, how much time they spend on each part, and even if they forward it to other decision-makers. This granular data empowers you with the knowledge to prioritize follow-up efforts and tailor your approach based on client engagement patterns.

Identifying High-Value Content

Not all sections of your proposal may hold equal weight for every client. The tracking capabilities in Highnote’s templates help you identify high-value content by showcasing which elements resonate most with your audience. Whether it’s compelling visuals, specific service offerings, or success stories, this knowledge allows you to refine and optimize future proposals for maximum impact.

Informed Follow-Up Strategies

Highnote’s SEO proposal templates go beyond initial engagement; they empower you to craft informed follow-up strategies. Utilize the insights gathered from tracking to tailor your subsequent interactions. If a client spent significant time on a particular service section, focus your follow-up discussions on those offerings. This personalized approach not only showcases your attentiveness but also demonstrates a commitment to addressing the client’s specific needs and interests.



Your SEO proposal can be the differentiator that sets you apart. Highnote’s SEO proposal templates, fortified with advanced tracking capabilities, not only save you time and elevate visual appeal but also provide valuable insights into client interactions. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a newcomer in the field, integrating Highnote’s templates with tracking into your proposal process is a strategic move to close more deals and achieve greater success in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.

FAQ About Highnote's SEO Proposal Templates

Highnote offers monthly and annual billing to accommodate varying needs. The exact cost depends on your chosen billing cycle. The annual subscription costs $29 per month, while the monthly subscription costs $35.