Free Virtual Assistant Proposal Template

Take advantage of the virtual assistant proposal template powered by Highnote. It’s as simple as it gets – just duplicate your favorite virtual assistant proposal template, customize it, add your information, and you’re good to go!

5 assets below

Profile (1)

About Me

This introductory section is designed to give potential clients a clear sense of who you are and what drives your passion for being a virtual assistant. Highlight your commitment to efficiency and support, detailing how your personal attributes make you a reliable and proactive choice. Use this part of your virtual assistant proposal template to establish a connection, setting the tone for the personalized and professional service you offer.

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Education & Work Experience

Combine your educational background and work experience into one cohesive narrative that showcases your journey to becoming a skilled virtual assistant. Emphasize any relevant degrees or certifications, particularly those in administration, business management, or communication, and link them to real-world work experiences that demonstrate your ability to manage and execute administrative tasks effectively. This section of the virtual assistant proposal template reassures clients of your well-rounded qualifications and practical expertise.

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Expertise - Skills

Expertise & Skills

Detail the specific skills and areas of expertise you bring, such as data entry, scheduling, email management, or customer support. Highlight your proficiency with essential tools and software that enhance remote collaboration, like Microsoft Office, Google Suite, or project management tools like Asana or Trello. Use this part of your virtual assistant proposal template to differentiate yourself by focusing on how your particular skills can solve the unique challenges faced by potential clients.

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Monthly Rates

Monthly Rates

Clearly outline your pricing structure by providing details on your monthly rates. Explain what each rate includes and possibly offer different packages based on service levels or hours of availability. Transparency in this section helps set clear expectations and assists clients in making informed decisions based on your virtual assistant proposal template. Consider offering a brief rationale for your pricing, emphasizing the value and ROI of your services.

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Contact & CTA (Call to Action)

End your proposal with detailed contact information and a compelling call to action that encourages potential clients to initiate communication. Ensure the contact section includes multiple ways to reach you, such as phone, email, and LinkedIn profile. The CTA should be persuasive, urging them to contact you to discuss their needs and how you can help streamline their operations. This final section of your virtual assistant proposal template is crucial for moving prospective clients from consideration to action.

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Thank you for your interest. I look forward to hearing back from you and answering any questions you may have after reviewing this. I look forward to exploring more opportunities with you soon.
Reese Miller
(999) 999-9999

Sections Include:

checked About Me
checked Education & Work Experience
checked Expertise & Skills
checked Monthly Rates
checked Contact & CTA (Call to Action)


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Benefits of Using Virtual Assistant Proposal Template


Highnote’s virtual assistant proposal templates are your secret weapon for securing clients and taking your business to the next level. They save you time, add professionalism, and give you the edge needed to win clients confidently. Say goodbye to uncertainty and inefficiency; welcome the world of success with Highnote.

Remember: “Be confident when others are uncertain, and be certain when others hesitate.”

Let’s see how this virtual assistant proposal template will help you seize all opportunities!

1. Every proposal will have the same professional appearance, ensuring that your brand is consistently represented in client interactions.

2. Time is a precious resource for virtual assistants. With virtual assistant proposal templates, you can craft professional, polished proposals in a fraction of the time it would take to create them from scratch.

3. Highnote virtual assistant proposal templates lend your proposals a polished, professional look. They create an image of competence and commitment that reassures clients.

4. Highnote’s templates streamline your proposal creation process, reducing the time and effort needed to craft professional proposals. This efficiency allows you to serve more clients and take on additional projects, ultimately growing your business.

5. Highnote’s virtual assistant proposal templates’ professional appearance and compelling content make your proposals more persuasive, increasing your chances of winning new clients. The visual appeal and well-structured content give clients confidence in your capabilities.

6. Highnote’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for virtual assistants, even those without any design experience, to create winning proposals. This accessibility empowers you to compete with larger agencies and stand out in the industry.

7. Highnote’s integration of analytics provides a significant advantage. You can track important metrics, such as when clients open your virtual proposal, how long they view it, and which sections are most engaging. This data empowers you to make data-driven decisions about your proposals and adapt your approach for higher success rates.

8. The analytics data helps you create informed follow-up strategies. For instance, if you see a client spends significant time reviewing your pricing and services sections, you can tailor your follow-up conversation to address those specific aspects of the proposal.

9. The ability to track analytics and utilize data to refine your proposal strategy ensures that you’re not just guessing about what works. Your success is backed by real data and insights.

Elevate Your Business with Highnote’s Virtual Assistant Proposal Templates


Highnote’s virtual assistant proposal templates offer a winning formula for success. Here’s how they empower your business:

Professional Edge

Highnote’s templates boast professionally designed layouts, making your proposals stand out. When you present your proposal, you’re not just offering a service; you’re presenting a top-tier image.

Effortless Customization

Tailor each proposal to your unique brand and the specific needs of your clients. With Highnote, customization is a breeze, allowing you to maintain consistency without sacrificing individuality.


Say goodbye to hours spent formatting and drafting proposals. Highnote’s templates are user-friendly and efficient, freeing up more of your valuable time for client work.

Increased Win Rate

Highnote’s proposal templates are designed with the winning edge. Their professional appearance and compelling content make a persuasive case for your services, leading to a higher success rate in securing clients.

FAQ About Virtual Assistant Proposal Template

Highnote offers monthly and annual billing to accommodate varying needs. The exact cost depends on your chosen billing cycle. The annual subscription costs $29 per month, while the monthly subscription costs $35.