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Highnote Accepted into NAR’s Second Century Ventures’ 2023 REACH Class

April 13, 2023
Create dynamic and engaging presentations with Highnote. Start your free trial of Highnote here, and create effective maximum-impact presentations today.
2023 REACH Class

Highnote proudly announces its acceptance into Second Century Ventures’ 2023 REACH class. Second Century Ventures is the strategic investment arm of the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and is an active global real estate technology fund.

Since 2013, Second Century Ventures has chosen companies that offer solutions for residential and consumer sectors and other organizations that create scaling solutions for commercial real estate to be part of their yearly cohorts.

"As one of the 14 innovative companies selected for this year's program, we're proud to join an incredible group of startups revolutionizing the real estate industry. We're grateful for the opportunity to be part of the REACH and REACH Commercial programs, and we're eager to make a significant impact on the real estate landscape."
mark choey
Mark Choey
Founder of Highnote

This year, the companies selected for the 2023 REACH program offer a wide range of solutions for the real estate industry, from innovations in financial planning, property management, lead generation, and tenant retention, among others. There ingenious companies have raised over $100 million in funding and employ more than 400 people worldwide.

"There 14 companies represent some of the most promising and innovative solutions in reat estate technology. By supporting and investing in innovative small businesses through the REACH program, we can ensure that Realtors have access to the latest and most effective tools and technologies, enabling them to better serve their clients and stay ahead in an ever-evolving industry."
dave garland
Dave Garland
Managing Partner, Second Century Ventures

Highnote is part of this exclusive group of companies chosen among hundreds of applicant. Thanks to its inclusion, Highnote will have access to the REACH programs education, mentorship, and exclusive networking opportunities. The company will also increase its exposure to the global real estate market.

"We would like to thank Second Century Ventures, the National Association of Realtors®, and everyone who supported our journey so far. We couldn't have done it without everyone's support."
mark choey
Mark Choey
Founder of Highnote

Highnote is commited to providing agents with a presentation platform that helps real estate professionals and others involved in sales and marketing listings, offers, and themselves more efficiently and effectively.

Aside from real estate, Highnote can also be used in various other industries such as financial planning, consulting, sales, coaching, and marketing. Any professional who wants to create dynamic and engaging presentations can use Highnote.

Start your free trial of Highnote here, and create effective maximum impact presentation today.

More Resources

Meet Mark, the founder, and CEO of Highnote, a presentation and proposal platform designed specifically for service providers. With a background as a top-producing salesperson, team and brokerage leader, computer engineer, and product designer, Mark has a unique insight into what it takes to create great software for service providers who don’t have time to design.